Friday, January 21, 2005

Riggin' awesome

I can't decide on whether I'm having fun rigging this character, or whether I'm just getting obsessive. Probably some of both. But I am very excited to say that I've completed the facial rig setup today, and I'm happy with the results.

This is definitely my most complex facial rig so far, esp. considering there's no mouth on this guy. The whole thing is joints and directly connected nodes -- no expressions, and no blend shapes. Apart from the one seen here, which morphs from Stan (young) into Ollie (old).

But since part of the point is to express everything through the eyes, it should hopefully pay off down the line. I've tried to give them as broad a range as possible, though I'm not sure if they can necessarily express every possible subtlety of human expression without a mouth.

(good-natured skepticism, or seductive confidence?)

However, this story generally centers around a few major emotions, namely boredom, astonishment, anger, hostility, and brief happiness. All of which I think these characters can handle admirably. (Screenshots of each TK)


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