Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Workflow TTDs

I need a place to keep a list of workflow ideas that I may want to implement further down the road. So what better place than the journal? Note to self: make this a sticky post on the blog.

Script Node -- Execute on Software Render

Maybe create a script on the character & office that automatically sets the smoothing levels, hides proxy geometry, etc. so I don't run into a lot of screwed up renders.

More Hotkeys -- DONE

Set up keys for Playblast scripts, and also for ieWorldSnap and ieWorldOrient -- useful when animating too.

Motion Vectors

This is a definite one -- build into the render queue a depth pass that also incorporates motion vectors for applying 2D blur in a post process.

Continuity Check

This one's important -- there have been a bunch of scene-specific changes to the setup that have to be checked over close during the next animation pass and before rendering -- things like whether Stan's pencil should be hidden, or where those final pieces of paper are, or aren't.


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